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  Surrounded by the bustling activity of the downtown Financial District, conveniently located close to the South Station transit hub, the 33-story skyscraper at 100 Summer Street fast became an easy-to-spot, marquee high-rise in Boston’s scenic skyline when co...

This course introduces the critical role of LED lighting controls and strategies in well-executed lighting designs—plus their functions, expanding capabilities and rising potential for building automation systems.Viewers will also learn how to change the appearance and f...

This course introduces how to leverage a lighting design to influence a customer’s mood, direct them to key merchandise and affect how they perceive a brand.Viewers will also learn how lighting impacts retail, how color temperature sways shoppers’ emotions, what co...

This course will introduce a new kind of commercial lighting that's approved to do what traditional UV lighting isn't—constantly disinfectant bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, with people present. Learn why 405-nanometer antimicrobial light meets the inte...

Making merchandise move Visit Our Market Spectrum Amerlux creates beautiful lighting to make your products sparkle. From the big box stores to exclusive boutiques, our top-tier performance grade products are meticulously designed to put the spotlight on your products. Bec...

Colors You See and Feel Look inside a crayon box, or the world around you. There are a lot of colors out there. Your lights should showcase them all.Under natural light, with its picture-perfect color rendering capabilities, colors are vibrant. Textures come to life. Patterns ...

Wireless, Bluetooth LED Lighting Seemingly everything can be done on a phone or tablet now—talk, shop, email, play music, check the weather—you name it.With Bluetooth LED lighting, you can control your lights better than ever and turn humble lighting fixtures into ...

New York City—the bustling city of bright lights, masses of people and more than one million buildings in all sizes and styles—has a particularly iconic skyline.But what about the city that might have been—the “never built” projects in New York th...


Marketing is all about helping customers see a product or company in the best light possible. Creative Marketing Alliance (CMA), a full-service marketing and association management firm, took that thought literally, upgrading the exterior lighting at its New Jersey headquarter...

Capturing superior operational efficiency From security to occupancy sensing to data-driven monitoring, LED lighting technologies make buildings and workplaces better, more efficient—smarter.Utilizing a network of fixture-integrated sensors with top-level software, LED l...

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