Track/Power Systems

Constructed from architectural-grade extruded aluminum for durability, Amerlux track systems deliver maximum lighting flexibility. Available in 1-circuit, 2-circuit and 3-circuit options, track systems can be installed in straight runs or configured in patterns. 

Slots & Dots, a 48V Track lighting system connecting all the dots for architects and lighting designers: color, comfort, controls and configurability. 


Amerlux offers the Global Single Circuit Track (GES/I-GB), an architectural-grade track that provides a power supply for Amerlux track lighting fixtures.


Global TEK track is a 120V power supply track for Amerlux track-lighting fixtures.


Global HTEK track is a 277V, 2 circuit/2 neutral track system.


Global XTS Track is a 3-circuit, 120V track system that provides a power supply for Amerlux track lighting fixtures.


The Current Limiting Device from Amerlux limits the amount of electrical load placed on a run of track.


Amerlux’s Quick Grid II system gives you the ability to create a ceiling effect to provide people scale in high-ceiling spaces.