From security to occupancy sensing to data-driven monitoring, LED lighting technologies make buildings and workplaces better, more efficient—smarter.
Utilizing a network of fixture-integrated sensors with top-level software, LED lighting systems collect, then analyze an all-inclusive list of metrics about their indoor and outdoor environments, revealing previously unseen operational cost savings, security insights and ROI.
The promise of a better-managed infrastructure through big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) gives facility managers and operators unprecedented control of their infrastructure, optimizing much-needed changes in real-time.
The way businesses across all industries operate is changing fast—and getting brighter.
Lighting fixtures with mounted sensors monitor how many occupants journey through a certain area or intersection, collecting data simultaneously. Decisionmakers can use this information to plan future infrastructure investments and improvements—then use it to evaluate the before-and-after impacts of the project.
Cameras are another common smart building application. Some facilities install cameras for security purposes. Others use cameras for optimization purposes.
Public Wi-Fi
The demand for connectivity continues to grow to record-high levels as mobile phone usage and the popularity of other wireless devices increases. Light fixtures, including lampposts, are a popular way to mount platforms for wireless spots.
Air quality monitoring
Atmospheric changes and airborne pollutants can be effectively tracked via a network of sensors on lighting fixtures, which helps predict air quality incidents and better protects occupants and visitors.