Solace Family (3")

Solace flawlessly pairs stunning aesthetics and relaxed lighting into any space with minimal plenum. The spec-grade shallow downlight family with a 3" aperture requires just over two inches of plenum to make your ceilings tower under stunning recessed lighting.

Solace has an extremely low 2 ¼ inches recessed depth (downlight and wall wash) and a recessed adjustable depth of just under 3¾ inches. Round or Square apertures are available as a downlight, adjustable or wall wash.

Optional Solite lensing provides whisper quiet aesthetics. Trimmed, trimless or millwork options are available. The pinhole and shower pinhole trim make this a complete downlight to design the entire space with the same look.


Solace 3” Downlights are the complete downlight family for any ceiling surface and low plenum ceiling. Round or Square apertures, available as downlight, adjustable or wallwash. 


Solace 3” Downlights are the complete downlight family for any ceiling surface and low plenum ceiling. Round or Square apertures, available as downlight, adjustable or wallwash.