
Amerlux offers a selection of traditionally styled 4, 6, or 8 eight sided lanterns suitable for a variety of mounting heights.  Combined with high performance optical systems and different lens types there are styles available to meet the needs of any Retail, Commercial, University or Roadway project.

The Coach Style Lantern (CSL) is a utility grade LED luminaire with a traditional styling and modern high end performance.  It offers lensed options and a choice of output levels as well as un-lensed options that qualify as IDA Dark Sky Approved (3000K only)


The D241 luminaire is a classically styled cast aluminum four sided lantern with a choice Clear Acrylic (CA), or Textured Acrylic (TA) lenses for standard symmetrical distribution.


The D323 luminaire is a classically styled cast aluminum six sided lantern that offers a choice of several optical systems and lenses.


The D480 Series is a large scale traditionally styled eight sided cast aluminum spiked lantern.


The D623 Luminaire is a versatile six sided post top lantern that is best suited for poles under 10' in height.